Knowledge Base Article
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How can ERP help your business?
Article ID: #1062

Unify Business Data

An ERP system centralizes business data in one system so that all employees in all departments share a single source of truth. This eliminates data inconsistencies and all the associated errors that come with data re-entry when multiple software are used between departments.

Track Sales Orders

As a sales order travels through different departments for fulfillment, tracking the order is easy because all departments utilize the same ERP system. As a result, a customer inquiry to track their order will no longer be juggled across departments.

Increase Sales & Customer Satisfaction

A record is created for each customer, service, support history, order processing, order history, and sales. Each log is recorded into your ERP System to allow a comprehensive view of your customers. Thus, you will better understand your existing customers and gain deeper insight into your market segment. 

Reduce Excessive Inventory

Because order processing and inventory are managed under one system, your inventory level will be instantly updated as sales orders are placed, committed, and shipped. With full visibility into your inventory at all times, you can better control your inventory stock level and eliminate back orders.

Speed Up Operations

An ERP system eliminates the time for data re-entry, significantly reduces the time for fixing inconsistent data, and provides a standardized way for completing each job function. The end results are strengthened collaboration across your departments and increased operational efficiency across your organization.

"I am ready for an ERP system. How do we get started?"

About Servora
Servora uses cloud computing technology to deliver CRM, ERP, Accounting, and Ecommerce applications via SaaS to small and mid-sized businesses.  See a list of solutions that Servora offers.